President Stacey Mademann & Megan Giannola The President presides at all meetings, is a member ex-officio of all committees, and has a general oversight of the business of the Society.
Vice President Stacey Mademann & Megan Giannola The Vice-President performs the duties of the President in their absence. She appoints all chairpersons of fund-raising projects and is a member ex-officio of all fund-raising committees.
Treasurer Jen Zecher As the Treasurer, Jen is the custodian of the funds of the Society. She reports to the Society at each meeting. An itemized report of the fiscal year, attested by a qualified individual, not a member of the Society, shall be available by the first General Meeting. The Treasurer shall be responsible for all notification regarding the payment of dues.
Secretary Dana Klen As the Secretary, Dana keeps the minutes of the regular and special meetings of the Society and General Board and makes them available for review and correction at all meetings. She has charge of all papers and documents of the Society, handles all correspondence, and sends out all notices except those relating to payment of dues.